RS/MOD4.1: implementation of Pb fluid for ICN (Rumania)
RS/MOD3.6: integration of severe accident mechanistic models for CANDU, developed by F. Zhou (McMaster University, Canada) and port of the Integrated Uncertainty Analysis (IUA) package.
RS/MOD3.7 Build082020 generated from the merging of RS/MOD3.5 (Build032019) and MOD3.6 (Build052020)
RS/MOD3.7 Build032021: integration of COUPLE and SCDAP improvements from external developers and ENSO.
Simulation SBO scenario for VVER (IAEA CRP)

Training on RELAP5 and CTF codes:
- Fuel assembly modelling (BWR and PWR)
- NPP models and steady state controllers
- CTF training on anticipated operational occurrences AOO (Turbine Trip, RCP Trip)
Technical support within NEXUS/ENIGMA project:
- Development of a full RELAP5/PARCS PWR nodalization
- Simulation RELAP5/PARCS AOOs
- Simulation CTF AOOs

Technical support on TH & SA simulations and Full scope simulators
Training on code development for alternative Fluids

IAEA CRP I31033 “Advancing the State-of-Practice in Uncertainty and Sensitivity Methodologies for Severe Accident Analysis in Water Cooled Reactors”