Computational analysis and NPP nodalization are both a widely used and well-developed application in nuclear industry. ENSO staff has a wide background on this matter, particularly on developing and improving the NPP models for utilities (PWR: Asco I & Asco II NPP, Vandellòs-1 NPP) and regulatory bodies (BWR: Laguna Verde NPP; PHWR: Atucha 2 NPP). Most relevant tasks related to the support to plant operation and control are:
- TH analysis of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) sequences
- Assessment of actual transients
- NPP start-up test analysis
- Transient analysis for training
- Design modifications
- Improvement of plant availability
ENSO offers independent assessment as well as the implementation and development of complex nodalizations with the corresponding logic diagrams for control, operation and reactor protection systems. Customer supplied nodalizations can be improved following the standards and guidelines suggested in OECD/NEA TH codes Validation & Verification projects. Otherwise, new NPP models can be generated from scratch depending on customer needs. ENSO also offers the possibility to translate NPP input decks to other system codes.
ENSO staff has a wide background on support to plant operation and control, particularly on developing and improving NPP models for utilities