We are pleased to announce the training course «Hands on training on NPP simulations: Building up a full model of an SMR reactor». Like in previous editions, the training aims at a transfer of advanced knowledge and best practices in system code modeling for nuclear power plants. The 2024 edition focuses on the simulation of an SMR reactor. A simplified model of a Light water pressurized SMR (iPWR) will be developed from scratch. The participants will be guided through the process starting by the review of public information that can be found on the literature. During the first part of the exercise the core of the reactor will be nodalized and tested. Afterwards the full primary and secondary systems will be developed.
In this course you will learn how to model an SMR reactor from scratch, starting from the documentation to the final safety analysis calculations
In the last part of the course, a Station Black Out scenario will be configured and the capacity of the necessary safety systems will be evaluated.
In order to enhance the modeling skills of participants, information on important physical phenomena and the best practices in modeling will be given and discussed during the course.
The onsite training will be held at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), which is part of the Technical University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech (UPC), a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialized in the fields of engineering, architecture and science. The School is located in Barcelona and is well connected with the airport and the city center. The seminar is open to vendors, utilities, regulatory bodies, national laboratories, consulting companies and universities. There will be at least one lecturer for every 5 participants. A maximum of 20 participants will be accepted. Registration Fee: 1800 € per participant / 1500 € universities.
Registration is now open. Fill the attached form and send it to info@ensobcn.com to register. You can also find further details in the attached brochure.
In 2024 edition the training will be held again in Barcelona, with at least one instructor for each 5 participants
Overview of 2023 edition (onsite)
For the seventh consecutive year, the training “Advanced Simulation of Thermal Hydraulic Phenomenology with system codes” was held at the Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain). We are really proudto see how the course has become consolidated during this time. In 2023, we hosted 17 people from 4 different countries: South Korea, Turkey, Poland and Finland. Participants came from diverse origins of the Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics community: regulatory bodies, research institutes, universities and companies devoted to safety analysis. The training dealt with the simulation of thermal hydraulic phenomenology related to the simulation of Pressurized Water Reactor systems.

In the first part of the training, we focused on the achievement of a steady state for a pressurized water reactor. A full model of a generic power plant was distributed. The participants learnt how to adjust the different control systems in order to bring the plant to stable conditions.
In the second part of the training, the participants adjusted different accidental situations. The related phenomenology and the thermal hydraulic response of the system was studied and discussed.
To register, fill the following registration form and send it to info@ensobcn.com
Registration fee: 1800 / 1500 euros (regular / universities)