Every year, ENSO in cooperation with UPC and the Incheon National University organizes a hands-on training on best-estimate codes. This training aims at a transfer of knowledge and best practices in system codes modeling for nuclear power plants.
Some topics we cover:
- Novice user training – RELAP, TRACE, MARS, SPACE, ASYST
- NPP training on steady state and accident conditions – RELAP, TRACE, MARS, SPACE, ASYST
- Separate Effect Test modelling – RELAP, TRACE, MARS, SPACE, ASYST
- Small Modular Reactors – RELAP, TRACE, MARS, SPACE, ASYST
- Alternative Fluids: RELAP, TRACE, ASYST
- Severe Accident simulations – SCDAP
- Code development – How to add your own models and correlations RELAP, MARS
- Uncertainty analysis and BEPU methodologies – from a base case to a BEPU calculation – RELAP, MARS, ASYST
- Lattice physics – Develop your own cross sections – DRAGON, SCALE, HELIOS
- Neutron Kinetics – TH/NK calculation – RELAP, TRACE,NESTLE, PARCS,3DKIN
2020 and 2021 editions wer held online due to the global pandemic of coronavirus disease. There were 10 and 19 participants from more than 11 different countries and organizations: KINS, KHNP, Chosun, University, Incheon University, Ulsan University, SENTECH, KyungHee University (Korea), NNL, Rolls Royce (UK), Skoda, UJV (Czech Republic), NCBJ (Poland), UPM (Spain), Tractebel (Belgium), LEI (Lithuania), PSI (Switzerland), Paks II (Hungary), ENEC (Emirates), ES Group (Ukraine), McMaster University (Canada).
Online training: whenever you want
Because we know it can be hard to find a time window to come to the training or even to attend it online from your place, we offer the possibility to follow the course online whenever you want after the course has been completed.
The lectures will be recorded and available for you. In this way you can buy the course material and perform the exercises whenever you want.
What you will get:
- The exercise materials
- Access to the recorded lectures
- Technical support to perform the exercises via email, chat or videoconference
Technical support and customized trainings
Technical support and customized trainings are designed to fulfill the customer needs. The current worldwide pandemic situation has given ENSO the chance to provide technical support through online meetings. Our recent work has proven the suitability of the online option by combining weekly meetings to held technical discussions and hands-on sessions, with scheduled tasks for both parts to perform alone.